The Western Gateway is a 41-acre property owned by the City of Sedona and site of the Sedona Cultural Park amphitheater that operated from 2000-2003. It is also the site of the Western Gateway Trailhead aka Girdner Trailhead parking for the National Forest Western Gateway 25+ mile trail system.
Community feedback is crucial in shaping the Master Plan, which will establish a framework for how the city’s Western Gateway property can serve community needs for generations to come. There will be multiple opportunities for public engagement, such as surveys, in-person workshops, and public meetings.
Alternative Scenarios
The February 19, 2025 public meeting materials are available for community review and feedback:
- Presentation by Dig Studios, which provides project introduction, background information, and context on how and why the alternative concepts were created.
- 4 possible, alternative scenarios - click the link below to review and comment
- Site Characteristics - maps of the topography of the property
Public Input
Community Amenity Survey Results
The January 2025 survey focused on prioritizing community amenities recommended during earlier public outreach.
- Survey Results
- Written Comments:
November 2024 SURVEY 579 Surveys were completed! See the results, including all written comments:
October 2024 WORKSHOPS See the initial results of the first public workshops:
PRIORITY POSTERS. Participants placed a dot (1 being first priority) below their preferred use or activity
BUBBLE MAPPING. Participants chose what type of land uses they would like to see. Each option was scaled to the appropriate size
Student Proposal for a Recreation Center
View the Presentation. The Sedona Charter School’s “Beyond Me Project” was created by Samantha Malinski, Middle School Principal Educator, to give students an opportunity to support our community while becoming the voice for causes that resonate with them and benefit the community as a whole.
The issue they wanted to address is that teenagers needed more things to do in Sedona. They unanimously felt that the best way to support the community and their needs was to build a Recreation Center in Sedona.
All our middle school students participated in brainstorming and researching ideas for the project. The five students who presented were the leaders for each section of the project, guiding their peers and taking ownership of their respective areas. Over the course of more than 12 weeks, they dedicated time each week to work on the project, and the leaders then spent an additional three weeks preparing and practicing their presentations.
This year, our curriculum includes learning about local and U.S. government, and this project offered hands-on experience in civic engagement. The students had the chance to see how they can actively contribute to their community, even as teenagers.
The Western Gateway is a 41-acre property owned by the City of Sedona and site of the Sedona Cultural Park amphitheater that operated from 2000-2003. It is also the site of the Western Gateway Trailhead aka Girdner Trailhead parking for the National Forest Western Gateway 25+ mile trail system.
Community Plan
The Community Plan will serve as a guiding document for the Western Gateway planning process.
CFA Plan
The Western Gateway Community Focus Area (CFA) Plan is a specific area plan that will guide future planning.
Consulting Firm
Dig Studios was selected to complete a master plan and community outreach efforts. Dig is based in Phoenix and Denver. Their website is: